The European Section of the IST is the oldest Section and traditionally has been able to draw on the large number of Toxinology researchers working in the region, whose work often encompasses toxins from around the World, since Europe itself is not home to as many toxin producing fauna and flora as some other regions.

Past European Section Meetings

2018              Yerevan, Armenia
Organizer: N.Ayvazyan

2011              Valencia, Spain
Organizer: J.Calvete

2008              Leuven, Belgium
Organizer: J.Tytgat

2004              Kranj, Slovenia
Organizers: F.Gubensek & I.Krizaj

2001              Stockholm, Sweden
Organizer: H. Persson

1998              London, UK
Organizer: D.Theakston

1996              Basel, Switzerland
Organizer: J.Meier
Proceedings: Abstracts published in Toxicon 1997).

1993              Arezzo, Italy
Organizer: A.Grasso
Proceedings: Abstracts published in Toxicon 32, 381-410, 1994.

1992              Paris, France
Organizers: P.Boquet, A.Menez, J.Pusset
Proceedings: Abstracts published in Toxicon 31, 497- 540, 1993.

1990              Lohusalu, Estonia
Organizer: J.Siigur
Proceedings: Abstracts published in Toxicon 29, 279-299, 1991.

1989              Porec, Yugoslavia
Organizer: F.Gubensek
Proceedings: Abstracts published in Toxicon 28, 141-170, 1990.

1986              Prague, Czechoslovakia
Organizer: F.Kornalik, H.Raskova, K.Masek
Proceedings: Proc. of the 6th Eur.Symp. on Animal, Plant and Microbial Toxins (F.Kornalik and D.Mebs, eds.), publ. by the European Section, Prague, 1986.

1984              Basel, Switzerland
Organizers: K.Stocker, T.A.Freyvogel, J.Meier
Proceedings: Proc. of the 6th Eur.Symp. on Animal, Plant and Microbial Toxins (J.Meier, K.Stocker, T.A.Freyvogel, eds.), publ. by the European Section, Basel, 1984.

1983              Hannover, Germany
Organizers: G.G.Habermehl and D.Mebs
Proceedings: Proc. of the 5th Eur.Symp. on Animal, Plant and Microbial Toxins (D.Mebs and G.G.Habermehl, eds.), publ. by the European Section, Hannover, 1983.

1981 Marseille, France
Organizer: H.Rochat
Proceedings: Toxicon 20, no.1, 1982.

1978              London, England
Organizer: B.E.C.Banks
Proceedings: 3rd Symposium on Plant, Animal and Microbial Toxins (G.Habermehl and D.Mebs, eds.), THD Schriftenreihe Wissenschaft und Technik 14, 1979.

1977              Portoroz, Yugoslavia
Organizer: F.Gubensek
Proceedings: Period.Biol. suppl.1, 19781975Paris, France
Organizer: P.Boquet
Proceedings: Venins et Toxins d´Origine Animale, Vegetale et Microbienne,